Tatu Hyvärinen
General information
Age | age = current year(CE) - 1981 (count it) |
Education | 1999-2002 telecommunications mechanic from Pori Technical School |
Whereabouts | Pori, Finland - most of the time Savonlinna & Uukuniemi - (summer) holidays |
Social media | Youtube - Not much else available besides a playlist of my Favourite music |
Interests | Computers, electronics, literature, music, collecting pocket knives and other trinkets, Scrabble, humanity, nitpicking and many others |
Online activities/projects
Misc | ... |
Photography | (Content to be added later?) |
Other projects/old stuff |
My final year school project (2002)- archived summary in fysp.pdf Civilian Service Info/Diary (2004 - 2005, In Finnish only) |
This page was last updated on 1st of January, 2023.